Wednesday, 21 December 2011



By Ohiaerinwa Ogbonnaya Okoro

The 4th ALL-ARO NATIONAL CONFERENCE (AANC) held at Owerri has come and gone but the memories linger on. It could be considered successful because despite numerous problems, internal and external, it was finally held and concluded.
The aims and objectives were largely achieved. For example, many Aro from all walks of life were provided a forum to meet, know each other, discuss Aro affairs in a forum to meet, know each other, and discuss Aro affairs in a frank and open manner. Some who attended for the first time were opportuned to meet fellow Aro. One of the chairpersons expressed regrets not being at previous conferences. Others who had lost contact spanning twenty or more years were opportuned to meet at the conference.
Many Aro Diaspora, apex unions and associations attended. Some hitherto unknown personalities not only attended but were offered opportunities and ushered unto the high table to preside in some of the sessions. The Royals, HRM, Eze Ogbonnaya Okoro, Eze Aro, HRH Eze Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu, Eze Ibom Isii and HRH Eze Okorafor Uro, Eze Ezeagwu, despite long distance, graced the occasion, paying courtesy call on Eze Njemanze of Owerri, typical of Aro penchant for respect of elders, traditional rulers and traditional institutions.
The theme of the Conference was most appropriate: “ARO CULTURE: PAST AND PRESENT-THE CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY”. Four papers were presented discussing the sub-themes:
Paper 1: “Some Gender Stereotypic Issues on Arochukwu Cultural Practices and Their Educational Implication” by Professor (Mrs.) T.N. Kanno.

Paper 2: “Omenuko: the Strategic Road Map for Aro Progress in the 21st Century” by Professor (Rev. Father) Jerome Okonkwo.

Paper 3: “Accommodation of the Steady Decline of the Practice and Procedure of Aro Culture for the Development of the Aro Kingdom”, by Eze Ogo (Elder) Isaac Okwara Onoh.

Paper 4: Igba Ndu: “Aro Traditional Ritual Practice for Inter-Personal, Inter-communal and Inter-commercial Relations in South Eastern Nigeria (1650 to present Day).” by Ohiaerinwa Ogbonnaya Okoro.
The welcome address (welcome to Atani Zone) was richly historical and informative. It embodied the handwork of grandmaster of historical research and writing – Mazi E A C Orji.
The success of the conference could also be justified the Local Organizing Committee, ability to source funds for the hosting responsibility. As usual, some committed and patriotic Aro donated generously.
But ultimately, much of the success should be attributed to the members of the local organizing committee (LOC), Mazi E.A.C. Orji, Prof. G. F. Okorafor; and members of the Board of Trustees; Professor Emeritus Okoro Ijoma and Professor Emeritus, O.C. Nwana.
Assorted music and dancing featured to grace the occasion.
Many publications on the Aro were displayed and were quickly bought and read
But comparative poor attendance continues to undermine the success of the conference-past and present. Numerous royals in Aro Diaspora did not attend. Numerous Aro professionals and academics did not attend. They were conspicuously absent. Publicity was inadequate given the comparative short period of notice for the conference. Perhaps limited funds may have been responsible for the limited publicity.
Use of mass media for publicity has many advantages. But most of the important Aro Diaspora traditional rulers should have been informed on face-to-face, courtesy call basis. Most of our Aro professionals and academics should have been contacted also on less formal approach instead of depending solely on the mass media. Mass media sub-committees should be strengthened and reinforced with young committed and successful professionals.
But this is not to fail to observe that the leadership of some Aro Diaspora apex unions and organizations were persistently approached and involved; yet they failed to live up to expectations. Even when they live and work within Owerri!
Overall, members of the LOC, the BOT, the donors, the Nzuko Arochukwu national leadership, various Nzuko Arochukwu branch members including the women, the paper presenters, chairmen and chairpersons who presided over the sessions; and of course our traditional rulers, including Eze Owerri, are herein generally respectfully and sincerely thanked for ensuring in various ways, the success of the 4th ALL-ARO National Conference-AANC, Owerri 2011



Which Way Okpankpo Aro?
By Onyema Harbor

It was Sunny Okosun, one of the great legends of Pop music and later Christian religious music that sang the metaphoric “Which way Nigeria?” when the country had not gone as bad as it is toady. Every thing considered, it is believed that now is the appropriate time for “Which Way Nigeria?”
Back to our own ancient town, Arochukwu, we seem to be in a position to ask, as did Okosun, “Which Way Okpankpo Aro” as regards state of affairs in the kingdom. Okpankpo is recognized as the highest of decision-making organ in Arochukwu kingdom, but for quite some time, the body which wore a brand new look since 18 July 2009 has been nothing but a mirage.
HRM, Eze Ogbonnya Okoro, Eze Aro of Arochukwu Kingdom, had dissolved the erstwhile Okpankpo on January 1, 2009 with a promise to reconstitute same during Easter celebration of that same year. That was not to be as controversies trailed the dissolution. Even two Aro kindred Ezes, Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu, Eze Ibom Isii and Mazi Okorafor Uro, Eze Ezeagwu, kicked against the dissolution, querying the competence of Eze Aro to tamper with age-old Aro traditional institution.
It was eventually re-constituted after some horse-trading. The re-constituted Okpankpo (which some re-brand “Reformed, Okpankpo”) including Umu Aro “chosen to consist of those individuals who will take us to the wings of dynamism, expertise, innovations and achievements, professionals and technocrats described by an observer as the 1st Eleven of Arochukwu kingdom, though a few ‘eaglets’ in terms of experience and knowledge in Aro affairs also made the team.
The 36-member new generation Okpankpo was inaugurated by Eze Aro, HRM, Eze Ogbonnaya Okoro, in the hallow chambers of Eze Aro’s palace, Oror, Arochukwu, Saturday, 18 July, 2009. It was an inauguration never witnessed in recent times. The palace received face-lift ahead of the inauguration, press attention was prominent as Mazi Emmanuel Ivi, immediate-past president-general of Nzuko Arochukwu, held a press conference in the Arochukwu residence of Dr. Nkemka Jombo –Ofo, just as the event was accorded prominence in the network news of Radio Nigeria.
There were cultural dances, Aro women clad in their traditional gorgeous attire were glamour to behold, while various villages and groups assembled in their colours to register the event a memorable one.
Inaugurating the apex decision –making body, Eze Aro gave reasons why he dissolve the former body. He said, “I took the decision to dissolve the old Okpankpo because of the problems associated with it. That decision was also taken because it is my desire to give opportunity to some of our brightest Aro sons to contribute to our collective quest to reposition Arochukwu kingdom in the new emerging global trends in the world.”
Continuing he declared, “The focus of the new Okpankpo Aro must be to positively change the old ways of going things,” adding, “it will no longer be business as usual”
Immediately after inauguration, our brightest Aro sons’ went into their post-inauguration meeting apparently to chart the new way ‘to re-position Arochukwu kingdom in the new emerging global trends in the world’. By its approved schedule, the new Okpankpo should sit four times in a year, but ever since 18 July 2009, Okpankpo has never again sat, or sat for a few times despite very daunting challenges in the land.
There are numerous problems in the kingdom, including general breakdown of law and order, insecurity, increased crime rate, deteriorating, ever dithering leadership vacuum, brazen loss of Aro traditional values, youth restiveness and extreme assertiveness.
Recently, an 80-year old women was murdered in cold blood and rape cases increased, just as Umu Aro have resorted to settling scores through primitive and antiquated methods of approaching arunsi such as Ndu and Ala Ogbaga in Ihechiowa and Chokoneze, Mbaise, Imo State, respectively.
These are issues Okpankpo were expected to address if it were in place. However, Eze Ibom Isii is reported to have declared the royal fathers are still meeting and handling matters. Eze Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu told the national leadership of Federated Arochukwu Youths Association, FAYA, which paid him a courtesy visit at Ibom, Arochukwu, that Eze-Aro-in- Council is handling matters now.
He stated, “The three royal fathers are still meeting and handling matters. The Eze Ogos are also functioning. They are headed by Mazi Obasi Okoronkwo. They handle day –to-day administration of Aro. Far more serious and emergency ones are referred to and handled at Okpankpo, now thinned down to the royal fathers” The question arises; Has Eze Aro-in-Council replaced Okpankpo Aro?
Restructuring of Okpankpo Aro was seen in some quarters as an innovation for progress, but some others expressed reservations. Reacting to the ‘reformation’ before inauguration, Mazi Okoronkwo Kanu Oji, member of the dissolved Okpankpo told THE OMU ARO, “I believe in experiment and this is an experiment”. There are two sides to an experiment-success and failure. Has this one failed?
THE OMU ARO sought the views of some Okpankpo members and non-members alike on this disturbing development in Aro polity; why such vital organ of Aro administration has remained comatose and the way forward.
Please savour their views:

Some people are protesting the nomenclature, “Speaker”
-Elder Isaac Onoh
I am a member of Okpankpo. I became a member because Eze Aro appointed me into it although Eze Ibom Isii and Eze Ezeagwu opposed including me, Mazi Obasi Okoronkwo of Utughugwu and Mazi Oji Akweke of Obinkita. But Eze Aro stood his ground. But meetings have not been held since after our inauguration by Eze Aro on 18 July 2009.
However, Okpankpo Aro is in place. The secretary still remains Mazi Okorafor Ohabuiro Okoroji. To confirm what I am saying, he sent me a text recently informing that Eze Ibom Isii, HRH Eze Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu lost his wife by death, and that the burial would be between 23 and 24 December; that we members of Okpankpo should be at alert. That goes to show that Okpankpo exists, though not effective at the moment.
What I think is reason for its lethargy is prejudice. The two Ezes, -Eze Ibom Isii and Eze Ezeagwu don’t seem to accept the formation of the present Okpankpo. It is either they were instigated or they are acting on their own. This is because at the time Dr Jombo-ofo was nominated for the Speaker position, they said there should be nothing like speaker because there is no traditional connection in Aro to the post of speaker. I remember that Chief Chris Ukpabi asked how Dr Jombo-ofo was selected. They were thinking that it would be better for them to come to Okpankpo, use the Eze Aro as the head or Eze Aro can appoint some body to moderate meetings for him. In fact they wanted to raise the issue there on 18 July 2009 but it was suspended to be discussed in a full subsequent meeting which unfortunately has not taken place.
Some people are querying the nomenclature “Speaker”. We had a speaker in the old Okpankpo only to the extent that his duty was to deliver, on behalf of the body, decision reached at each deliberation. In this one it is observed that the gavel used by presiding officer as in legislative houses was introduced. We had nothing like that in the old Okpankpo. What we had was a Speaker serious as spokesperson.
I think the way forward for Okpankpo is for all of us to meet to look at our problems. Whatever thing that is not good we should be patriotic enough to attend meetings to decide things. There are many things that are getting wrong in Aro. You can’t stay outside and begin to criticize. Like the palace has raised the cost of Ngwa Isii from N5, 000 to N7, 000.
The speaker is Dr Jombo-ofo, the secretary is Mazi Okorafor Ohabuiro Okoroji. The two of them should summon the meeting. Or, if people are not willing to attend because of them, let Eze Aro summon a meeting of all people to receive progress reports.
Even Nzuko Aro too, people are criticizing them that they are not as effective as when Mazi Emma Ivi was there as president-general. That is understandable because Elder Nnamdi Udoh, the current president-general is a civil servant and recently he was elevated to overall position in his establishment. So he needs a very powerful assistant to be able to perform.
So many people talk about kindredism. Every thing Eze does is criticized. It is wrong. During the days of late Eze Kanu Oji there was no emphasis on where you come from. In those days late Dr Alvan Ikoku would take visitors to the palace to Aggrey Memorial College to entertain them on behalf of the palace. Students of his school would entertain the guests in the form of drama and songs. Yet Ikoku was Ezeagwu. Not now that emphasis is on which kindred you belong.

Some of us with hindsight knew that the reformed Okpankpo was going to fail from inception. And we said it was going to be dead on arrival. And at the Nzuko Aro meeting held in Aba about a week prior to the inauguration of that reformed Okpankpo we made it known in public.Our disappointment was that most of them did not see it that way, and they went ahead to do what they wanted to do.
But what we are saying is that the concept was wrong initially. Okpankpo is not for all comers. Okpankpo is not for those who think they have succeeded in life, their standard not withstanding. Okpankpo Aro is for those with traditional constituencies, and no body without a traditional constituency has any claim in Okpankpo Aro.
What we are saying is this, Okpankpo is not for development. We want to make this fact known. Okpankpo is not for raising money. Okpankpo Aro is for those things that make us Aro people, and it should not a point we should start debating.
Okpankpo Aro is for Eze Aro, Nna-ato Aro and the Eze Ogos. Any attempt to co-opt any other person into the organization should be borne out of merit. You don’t come and impose yourself on Okpankpo Aro. If you want to raise money to develop Aro, Nzuko Aro platform is for you. You don’t need to be Okpankpo Aro to raise money to develop Aro.
My take on the aspect of highest decision-making organ is, as far as the administration of Aro is concerned, there are division of duties. We have Okpankpo Aro, we have Nzuko Aro, and we have the village organizations. No group has duty to say they are superior to the others. Do your duty and allow others to do theirs. And that’s why there is provision that if you are the president-general of Nzuko Aro, you are by virtue of that position a member of Okpankpo. When you finish your tenure, you bow out and allow your successor to become on Okpankpo member.
What you see happening now is that those who have become presidents-general of Nzuko Aro are trying to perpetuate their positions. It is not a permanent position. You become a member of Okpankpo when you are the president- general of Nzuko Aro. When you leave, leave and allow your successor to act. So when you start perpetrating your position it is no longer in the spirit of the organization.
The way forward is for these “impostors” to declare their incompetence. If they have not been able to meet since their inauguration (two years and five months) it means they have failed. Okpankpo Aro is traditionally supposed to meet every eight days. And for over two years they have not been able to meet, do you expect a soothsayer to tell them they have failed. Aro has told us now that they can exist without that type of Okpankpo. Aro is still being governed. We are taking care of our problems. Their activities have shown that they have failed.

Okoronkwo Kanu Oji

I said it earlier that it would not work because the ingredients to make it work were not there. The selection was wrong. There are many people, at least up to five of them have come to tell me that if they know they would’nt have attended the first meeting. I told you the problem would be that the people who set it up will be too proud to accept that they made a mistake and would not want to start again to make amendments. And who is losing? It is Vincent Okoro and his kingdred, Okennachi.
Every thing is now rotating to Kanu Nwa Kanu, Eze Ibom Isii. People from Amuvi, Atani and other villages now go to the house of Kanu Nwa Kanu to file cases which was the way it was in the beginning when Akuma Nnubi, the first Eze Aro was reigning .KK has set up his own cabinet and every morning they meet to go and survey land in Atani and other villages and start imposing levies and other things and yet Eze Aro is there, and Umu Okennachi are there watching. They do not want to say, what is happening? Why are we not moving forward?
The way forward is that, in any place all over the world, mistakes are made in political settings. When you make a mistake in a political setting, you repeat it, you cancel it and set up again properly and set it up.
Let me say this, you do not mix up Eze Aro with Nzuko Arochukwu. They are two different things. For instance, to say that in setting up Okpankpo, Nzuko Aro should appoint three people is wrong. Nzuko Aro is elected representatives, generally elected representatives because every member of Nzuko Aro contested election or is assumed to have contested election to be there and so he is a delegate. For him then to start delegating people to the highest meeting in Aro is a new thing in political analysis. This man is elected and gets there and starts delegating people. He has no powers and it is not part of this manifesto when he was contesting election. He did not contest election to delegate some body to go to Okpankpo. He contested election to be member of Nzuko Aro. And Nzuko Aro should be able to check the excesses of Okpankpo because they are the masses and Okpankpo as the monarchy should select members as they like. Note that Okpankpo is called Eze Aro’s Okpankpo, not Eze Aro and Eze Ibom Isii and Eze Ezeagwu’s Okpankpo.
For the first time in history Eze Ibom Isii has been asked to nominate people to Okpankpo, Eze Ezeagwu, nominate people to Okpankpo. All that happened before (some of us were active in Aro affairs when late Mazi Kanu Oji was alive) was that Mazi Kanu Oji would discuss with these people (brother Ezes) privately and say, invite so and so person from their areas to Okpankpo. It is Eze Aro that appoints Okpankpo after he had discussed with the other two ezes. The other two have no right to appoint their own because Okpankpo is not three.
I think they should dissolve the Okpankpo because it is not working. There is no need looking at something that is moribund and say lets see whether it will work. They should summon courage and say this thing has not worked and then Eze Aro, Eze Ezeagwu and Eze Ibom Isii should sit down together without any assistance and decide how to appoint people that will be in Okpankpo. Some of the people previously appointed are qualified but over 75% of them do not qualify.
Okpankpo should be dissolved and re-constituted. That’s my idea. The point is, you have tried this, it didn’t work. And do you know that Okpankpo has affected the Union (Nzuko)?

“The Crux of the matter is “Speaker”;

Byron Irokanulo, President-general, Ezeagwu kindred Union

Fist of all, what was it necessary to reform Okpankpo? Okpankpo is a traditional outfit that has a base, and you can’t reform a traditional outfit. It is not a social outfit, it is a traditional outfit. So, it has not held because, ab-initio, the formation of that Okpankpo was not right. And we are observing it for two years it has not held which means that it is like a ship without a captain, so it is rudderles. My idea will be to go back to status quo again and find Okpankpo. The actual problem with Okpankpo is the fact that they say there is a speaker. There has not been anything in Aro tradition where you say somebody is a speaker. It is not a parliament. It is a traditional thing. But there is something somebody will call a “Spokesman.” He is a different man from the speaker. The spokesman can vary from one person to the other. After an occasion Eze Aro can appoint Mr. A, say what we have said for that occasion. Next occasion it can vary. But when you have a speaker, it is a permanent thing. So by having a speaker, we are trying to Westernize or modernize what actually is not part of our culture.
The speakership position is the crux of the matter. From what I hear as an outsider (I am not a member of Okpankpo) and the composition, because the speaker is questionable so the composition is also questionable.
I am not saying the 36 of them are wrong to be there. I am saying how did they come there? Who nominates the Okpankpo? This is the question. It is not what you do centrally. Each component kindred has a way of nominating people to Okpankpo. And they are numbered and there are pre-qualifications for Okpankpoship. Was it maintained? If it was maintained, why was it necessary to call it reformed Okpankpo? In our history there was a time Okpankpos were not more than 10 persons, but now they are 36.
People did not oppose the exercise because there was a bit of conflict in the administration of Aro. Nzuko Aro is not part of Okpankpo. That is an administrative outfit, a sort of political administrative outfit to take care of the Aro outside. Okpankpo is an in-house thing, but suddenly two of them are merging. And Nzuko Aro wants to be part of Okpankpo. It is not possible.
The president of Nzuko Aro can be part of Okpankpo not Nzuko Aro being part of Okpankpo, but he comes as an observer. He is not a component decisive member of Okpankpo.
Presidents-general of kindred organization are supposed to be members of Okpankpo, as observers. They are not decisive members. They come there with their own kindred chiefs, the real titled chiefs. What they do is to advise them as the meeting is on. They are observatory members. When it comes to voting it is the three Ezes that sit down to talk what happens about Aro. These Ezes will resort to there presidents-general to ask for their inputs, shape the opinion of the Ezes. The Ezes cannot take a decision without the concurrent views of the kindred organization. The Eze Aro –in-Council takes major decisions. They are the Supreme Court of Aro. So the decision the Okpankpo takes is advisory to Eze Aro-in-council.
The way forward, first let us have four nomenclatures right. This same man called “speaker” can also be called “spokesman”. There is nothing wrong in it. Sounding the opinions of stakeholders in Aro, that name “speaker,” they don’t like it. They prefer “spokesman”, and it is not confined to one man. Eze Aro can appoint any member to deliver a particular decision.
Okpankpo is the highest decision-making body and should be there, but incidentally the three, the apex have their problem. They have not sorted it out.

“The position of “Speaker” has always been in existence”

-Okorafor Ohabuiro, Secretary Okpankpo and president-general,
Ibom Isii Kindred Union

The system of Okpankpo meetings is usually the Eze Aro, Eze Ibom Isii and Eze Ezeagwu sit to decide that Okpankpo meeting should be held. Then they notify me before I circulate information to members. So far they have not asked me to summon a meeting.
The trouble with us is that, some of us have one Aro spirit, while some others don’t. It is just those of us who have the spirit of Aro that are worried. Mazi Jombo-ofo, the president-general of Okennachi Kindred is much worried like I am also worried over developments in Aro. Eze Ezeagwu is disagreeing with the empowerment of the presidents-general of the kindred unions which Eze Aro approved. Now that he (Eze Ezeagwu) is not stable on who is his kindred’s P-G, it is not easy for Jombo-ofo and myself to say this is the man we want to deal with in Ezeagwu. Ezeagwu’s problem is that their kindred Eze is not specific on who is their kindred president-general. Mazi Chris Ukpabi was there and we were working with him, but suddenly he (Eze Ezeagwu) told us that it is Mazi Byron Irokanulo. We started working with Byron and later Eze Ezeagwu came back to tell me to send text message to Chris Ukpabi that he (Chris) is still the P-G of Ezeagwu. Of course I told him I would not do that, that he should direct the instruction to his kindred secretary. But we, the P-Gs, including Byron have met on two occasions. But there has not been any progress because the communiqué we forwarded to Eze Aro-in-Council was opposed by Eze Okorafor Uror, Eze Ezeagwu. Its like he is not in agreement with what we are doing. So at a time he even started to cast aspersion that it is Jombo-ofo and Godwin Okafor Ohabuiro that are damaging Aro
When Rev. Joshua Kanu Oji was around and deputizing for Eze Aro, he tried to build up the Eze Aro-in-council to settle their problem, but suddenly he left and everything remained there because Eni (Rev) was trying to encourage Eze Aro to authorize the holding of Okpankpo meeting. There was a time they scheduled a meeting unfortunately that time had not reached when Eze Aro’s health broke down and the next thing that happened was Eni going away. But no body has been acting for Eze Aro.
There has not been any disharmony amongst Okpankpo members for now, but I know people were complaining that they don’t like the nomenclature, “Speaker”, but it doesn’t end up in grumbling outside. There should have been a meeting and it is the meeting that should have decided whether they want “speaker” or “spokesman” or any other thing. So grumbling outside does not help anybody. The solution is not there. That is one. Two, we also see that the population of Okpankpo is too large and there was a way we were thinking along with Eze Aro to trim the size, but unfortunately Okpankpo has not sat to address these issues.
We had a speaker in the old Okpankpo. Mazi E.O. Nkemdirim was the speaker and he was addressed as speaker. That’s why I frown at anybody saying that there had been nothing like speaker. He was addresses as speaker even at the time I met them in 2005. All the documents I inherited from the former secretary bore Speaker for Mazi Nkemdirim and I followed suit. If they don’t want it again, it is now they don’t want it not that it never existed. It has been existing. People who are agitating for the change of name have their reasons. If we had sat and gone into matter, we would have known their individual reasons.
Members of the Eze Aro’s Royal family should pick or appoint some body that should act for Eze Aro until his health improves. That is the only way to make Eze Aro-in-council complete.


1. HRM Eze Ogbonnaya Okoro-Eze Aro Chairman
2. HRH Eze Dr Kanu Nwa Kanu-Eze Ibom Isii
3. HRH Eze Okorafor Uror-Eze Ezeagwu

4. Nkemka Jombo-ofo Speaker
5. Ndionyenma Nwankwo
6. Okereke Okpara
7. Chris Okorafor
8. Chike Okoro

9. Dr S.K Nwangoro
10. Iheanyi Oti Kanu
11. Chinedu Oti
12. Monday Okey
13. Goddy Ohabuiro Secretary

14. Eni Paul Kanu
15. Orji Ogbonnaya Orji
16. Chris Ukpabi
17. Emma Nwokoro
18. Kanu Nkangineme

19. Oji Kanu Oji
20. E.O Nkemdirim
21. Isaac Offor - RIP
22. Ernest Nkemakom
23. A.O Torty

24. U.K Udonsi
25. Sam Ohuabunwa
26. Emma Ivi
27. Dave Imoko
28. Alex Ekubo

29. Col Eze
30. Dagogo
31. Oji Umozuruike
32. Okoro Ijomah
33. Linus Okoro

34. Elder Isaac Onoh
35. Mazi Obasi Okoronkwo
36. Mazi Akweke Oji Treasurer


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